Chance's Story

Chance and his brother Koda arrived at Wolf Connection after being rescued from a roadside attraction in Alaska, a site that had been condemned by the state. The owner faced criminal charges, and there was an order for the euthanasia of the twenty-six wolves held there. Chance, in particular, bore the scars of a traumatic past, having spent years literally tied to a post with a chain around his neck. This arrangement allowed visitors to pay for the privilege of tossing treats at him from their vehicles, a degrading existence that took a severe toll on his well-being.

During the harsh Alaskan winters, the chain would freeze into his fur, eventually growing into the skin of his neck. This cruel confinement limited his movement, forcing him to walk in one direction to avoid tearing the chain through his flesh. Despite the trauma he endured and his initial fear of man-made objects, Chance showed remarkable resilience. With patience and care from the Wolf Connection team, he learned to walk on a leash, transforming his anxiety into newfound confidence.

Beneath his troubled past, Chance was brimming with love, which he shared generously with everyone he encountered. He became affectionately known as the “Linebacker of Love,” a fitting title for a wolf who tackled staff members with playful kisses and unbridled enthusiasm. True to the nature of a big brother, Chance often took it upon himself to boss around his younger sibling, Koda, showcasing a playful dynamic that highlighted his loving spirit.

At Wolf Connection, Chance’s journey became one of healing and joy, illustrating the incredible capacity for love and connection that exists within even the most damaged souls. His story serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the spirit and the transformative impact of compassion and care.