Tala's Story

Tala was the beloved co-founder of Wolf Connection, known for her incredible ability to warm the hearts of everyone she encountered. As the official greeter at the sanctuary, she was often the first face visitors would see, embodying the spirit of welcome and love that the organization represents.

Before Wolf Connection was established, our founder, Teo Alfero, was searching for a companion for Tala. During this quest, he discovered 16 wolfdogs in desperate need of a home, living in dire circumstances. By bringing these wolfdogs into their lives, Tala inherited an entire pack, which became the foundation of Wolf Connection—the original 16 pack members. This pivotal moment not only transformed Teo and Tala’s lives but also sparked the creation of a sanctuary dedicated to healing and connection.

Today, Tala rests at the serene sanctuary, overlooking the pack she helped create. She continues to watch over the community, welcoming those who come to experience the transformative power of connection with wolves. Although her physical presence is deeply missed, her spirit remains a guiding light. The profound impact she had on countless lives endures, as her dream of fostering understanding and compassion between humans and wolves is now our shared mission.