
Age: 8 Years Old

Torben’s journey began under challenging circumstances. Initially purchased by a woman, he spent the first three years of his life confined to a backyard, where he lacked the training, attention, and socialization he desperately needed. This isolation left him with limited experiences and an uncertain understanding of how to interact with the world around him.

When a series of unfortunate events prompted Animal Control to intervene, Torben was rescued from his previous living conditions and brought to Wolf Connection. This marked a turning point in his life, providing him the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey toward a better existence.

Upon his arrival, Torben showcased remarkable keen senses and observation skills, indicating a strong aptitude for tracking. His ability to read his environment is evident as he attentively surveys his surroundings, absorbing new stimuli with a curious eye. His interactions with other wolves reflect a gradual exploration of his role in the pack. While he may initially appear cautious, his innate desire to connect and engage with his packmates is becoming increasingly evident. Torben continues to discover the joys of companionship and the importance of social bonds, transforming his past isolation into a future filled with connection and belonging.

